Help File Index










Adding a new Client


To add a new client who is not associated with a company first open the admin web site and click the link to Add New Client. Double click the random text in the red box and then drag it the empty text box. Then begin adding the new clients info. You can leave any spaces blank if you have no data for them.


To add a new client who is associated with one of the companies you should select that company first and then click the link to 'Add a New Client' from there. Again you must drag and drop the text in the red box at the beginning of the process


On the second step you will need to create a unique user id using the 4 digit number displayed along with the first two letters of their first and last names.


For spouses please use the SpouseFirst and SpouseLast fields for their names. The SpouseName field is the old one. Separating the names will make searching for them easier.




Adding a new Employer


On the main menu page of the Client Admin area click the link to Add a New Employer. Just fill in the fields leaving any blank if you need to. On the second step remember to create the unique password using the number already displayed along with 4 letters. Once complete you can then start adding clients and send the Login ID to the company.

If you already have clients working for the company you're adding make sure you spell and punctuate the Company Name exactly as it's written under the clients record and then when you press the 'Update Employee List' button all their employees will appear in the Employers list.






Updating Client Records


To search for/select a client, from the main menu under 'Entire ClientList' use the Client Last Name option. In this box you can type the full last name or any part of it. If there are several clients returned in the search you'll have a list to choose from. Select either the Status Report or Edit button next to the clients name. On the update page just add or edit the data displayed in the text boxes, submit the form and the updates are done.


If the Client works for one of the Corporate Clients you can select that Employer first to narrow the field - then search for the client from the employers menu.


* Do not make changes to the Client ID and Login ID on the top of the page or to the Details and Edit data at the bottom of the page.





Updating Employer's Records


There are 2 ways to select and search for Employers. Under Corporate Clients on the main menu, either choose the name from the 'Active Company List' or type the name in the text box. If you type a name or part of a name you'll come to a drop down list of Companies that match. Select the appropriate employer to continue.

On the employer menu hit the 'Edit Company Info' button. Use the text boxes to add or update any info. You can also add or remove companies from the "Quick List" from here.


*Do not change the Employer ID






Giving Clients Login ID's


When a client calls asking for a login id follow these steps:

Ask for a company name. If it's a Corporate Client select it from the Quick List or type the name in the search box under Corporate Clients. Then use one of the search methods in the company menu to select the client.

If there is no associated company, ask for their First and Last names. Type the last name in the Client Last Name field, press the button and then select the correct client from the list if multiple names are displayed.

Once you've found the correct client record click the Status Report button and the Login ID is displayed in a dark blue box on the top of the page.








Giving Employers Login ID's



When an employer calls asking for a login id follow these steps:

Ask for a company name. Check to see if it's a Corporate Client from the Quick List otherwise type the name in the search box under Corporate Clients.

Once you've found the correct record click the look for the Login ID displayed in a dark blue box on the top of the page.










Description of Search Features

coming soon


send ideas for new functions to















